DI-524_B1_V2.01 firmware for H/W B1 version only.
- Problems Resolved: 1.Fix "Router hangs-up issue when client enable and monitor ¡§Internet Connection Status" in the Network Connection". 2.Fix "MSN login problem from wireless, under Centrino 11b with Power-save mode enabled¡¨.
- Enhancements: 1. Add an "Active Sessions" page to display current status of active NAT sessions. 2. Support WAN type(PPTP or L2TP) can dial-up with Mircosoft OS Server. 3. Support AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
============================================================= Release File Name: 20050412_DI-524_V201_Eng.BIN( WW version, English)for web update 20050412_DI-524_V201_Eng.EXE( WW version, English) 20050415_DI-524_V201(S)_GB2312.BIN(CN version,Simplify Chinese)for web update 20050415_DI-524_V201(S)_GB2312.EXE(CN version,Simplify Chinese) |